Protecting the health of smaller communities is vital to protecting the health of the nation as a whole. Limiting exposure to unhealthy viruses and detrimental diseases that once cleared populations of individuals is a key aspect to our success as a healthy nation. A collective combination of strategic techniques of primary prevention, such as the flu shot vaccination, allows individuals to take health care into their own hands making preventative measures of disease just as pertinent as treatment which is the overall goal of public health. Through awareness, education, and continued funding of health care programs such as the flu shot vaccines, we can collectively push towards more preventative measures of healthcare lowering the high necessity of treatment.
Flu season is already upon us and has been steadily becoming a problem in the community and on campus. Each year in the US 5 to 10 percent of the population is infected with Influenza and $1.7 Billion is spent on children with the infection. Influenza can lead to pneumonia, bronchitis, and ear infections and over 200,000 people are hospitalized from complications with the flu. This is why vaccination against the newest threat this season is so important to the topic of public health. Vaccination is a vital part of primary prevention of disease, so naturally the choice of a sign promoting this vaccination in the form of the Flu Shot provided at CVS Pharmacy is relevant. Our group chose to place our “This is Public Health Sticker” at CVS located on Fowler Ave. and 30th st. We selected this location as it is in close proximity to USF campus and easily accessible for students and staff, but also for patrons alike. The no appointment walk in type of service at CVS promotes people to get the Flu Shot to slow the rapid spread of the Flu in our community, as they are more likely to get vaccinated if the service is readily available to them.
Amberlyse Guzman
Sheralee Leonardo
Pamela Massenburg
Christina Quinn
Obtaining a flu shot is a definite way to not only utilize a component of public health but to also contribute to public health. It is clear, especially now at the beginning of a new school year, that the flu is going around among students on campus. By acquiring a flu shot, we could all not only take a primary intervention step to not getting ourselves ill, but also benefit the community by not spreading an illness to more individuals. As stated in my Careers in Public Health course, by having a child receive a flu shot, a family can save an average of $27 for every $1 spent on the immunization. Thus, a flu shot is truly "public health" and this blog post portrayed both the national and monetary benefits of the vaccination.
ReplyDeleteI think you all did a great job on identifying a public health activity within the community. Not only does the flu shot prevent influenza, it is extremely cost effective. Many insurance companies will also cover the vaccination so there ends up being no cost for the shot at all. It also is extremely accessible to the community because you can obtain a vaccination by being a walk in customer at your convenience. Places like CVS make it easy, convenient, and cost effective to receive the vaccination. So why not get the vaccine and protect yourself and others around you from influenza this season!
ReplyDeleteGetting a flu shot is definitely Public health, this group had a smart idea!!! Prevention of influenza is a primary way to stop the flu from spreading. Most people don't know that a flu shot can help stop the spread of the flu through out the community. This is also informative, because a lot of people don't know where to get flu shots, and now this group has provided an option for them (CVS). More people should be able to get flu shots, because a lot of drug stores are providing this service. Once again, good job and smart thinking!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis post really caught my eye, because the description is very well researched and well-integrated into our classroom lectures. I liked learning about the effects of Influenza every year. I had no idea billions of dollars are spend on treatments for the flu every year! This primary, preventative measure is most certainly public health related. I really enjoyed this creative, informative post.
ReplyDeleteThis is definitely public health! I think this group did a great job on picking a location because it is very relevant now that flu season is here. Alot of people do not know how many people are affected with the flu each year. Some people just brush it off and think they have the common cold until sysmptoms get worse and they end up in their local hospital or family doctor. Getting a flu shot vaccination is the safest way to keep yourself and others around you from getting sick this flu season. One of the things public health focuses on is PREVENTION, so getting a flu shot is definitely public health.From personal experience with the flu I find it very important and I do advise everyone to get the flu shot because it is better to be safe than sorry and being sick during finals is a pain. This was a great blog post it makes the public aware of things they can do to stay healthy and where they can get a flu shot that is readily available.
ReplyDeleteThis is a brilliant article. You ask some good questions here and bring up some interesting points. It will help a lot of people. Thanks for sharing it with us. Pharmacy Valuation