This photograph was taken at the Student Health Services Annex. In this place students can gain access to knowledge and resources to better their health. This office easily found and is located on the ground floor of the Marshall Student Center. In this location five free condoms are offered to students daily in order to ensure safe sex practices. This location was chosen because of its relations to general preventative measures for the health of students of University of South Florida. In this our focus was on the work done by Student Health Services to promote safe sex. Through this campaign of judgment-free availability, it empowers students to make better choices when it comes to their sex life. Through this there will be lower instances of unwanted pregnancies, and transmission of STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections).STIs pose a health threat to college age students, as any time there is sexual activity, infections pose a risk. According to the Center for Disease Control, sexually active adults and adolescents are at a much higher risk for contracting STDs than older adults. However, the use of condoms may greatly reduce risks if used properly. The availibility of not just condoms, but also important health information available at the Student Health Services Annex can help USF students to live healthier lives and work towards prevention of some of the more common college diseases relating not just to sexual activity, but also to diet, stress, and lifestyle. In making this information available, USF is helping to win some important public health battles.
Jessica Turner, Caitlin Myers |
This is a great example of public health, even better this on USF campus. With the mass number of students at USF, it is huge to see that the campus is behind promoting safe sex. The fact that they have free condoms for students makes it convenient and there should be no excuses not use them. I believe it is important to educate the public about having control of pregnancies and sti's. This should enable the public to promote safe sex and be aware of prevention of diseases.