What is public health? Wanna find out? Students in the USF Intro to Public Health class have chosen strategic areas in the Tampa Bay community that they feel represent public health in action. This blog is dedicated to explaining, understanding, and discussing what their interpretations of exactly what the heck is.... public health?!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Planned or Unplanned: Sexual Health

Need to get HIV/ STI tested? How about you’re annual Women or Men’s Wellness Check-up? Or find out what your birth control options are? Planned Parenthood is where you can do all of this and much more for usually a lower cost than your family doctor/gynecologist. Here women and men can receive sex health information on all types of areas including contraceptives, relationships, pregnancy, and even their sexuality. Our group chose this location because one of the group members missed class because she had an appointment here after the blog post was assigned. Planned Parenthood was created for low-income individuals who did not have insurance and still needed the same procedures or information or just for ANYONE in general. For example, a 17-year old concerned that she has STI symptoms can go to Planned Parenthood can receive STI testing for free or pay a minimal amount for the medication. The 17- year old will be happy that he/she could receive medication without having to involve her insurance and do it all without his/her parents knowing, if that is what she/he choses to do. Here you can get pap smears, which are secondary preventions. You can receive condoms, IUDs, and DEPO shots, which are primary prevention, and you can get medicine to cure your STIs, which is tertiary prevention. The coolest part about this place is that they take male patients also. As a group, we figured it was just about women and their sexual health, but we were wrong. They do A-Z for men also. Planned Parenthood DOES NOT discriminate. HAHA!!!! Any who, Planned Parenthood is “PUBLIC HEALTH,” and you can tell just by the name of the location.

By:Nicole Dinescu, Zuleika Estien, Deviney Rodriguez


  1. Wow!!, I think thats awesome that planned parenthood is also given to males too. I have a friend that I need to inform, I think he'll be happy to know this. This blog also just informed me on some info that i can apply to my sceduleing.I think all college students should take advantage of this program.

  2. This is a really great public health topic. I'm not sure how many people know about this but I sure didn't. I'm 17 years old and always thought that I didn't have any options when it came to this kind of medical care. I thought that every single thing I did would have to be under my Mothers insurance. This is certainly public health and it helps different groups of people.

  3. Planned Parenthood represents a key part of public health. A friend of mine did not get birth control at one point because she felt that she could not afford it. Thank goodness Planned Parenthood offers to men as well, since men are equally responsible in sexual protection and should have equal opportunities to receive it. Sexual health is often remains a forbidden topic, but luckily there are some organizations who are willing to address it whether or not it is well-received by the community.

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  5. This is a wonderful public health program. I always knew there were free or almost free clinics for college students and low income persons but I did not know where any were. I also had no clue that they accepted males too, but when you think about it it makes sense. Men need STI screening, condoms, and information as well as females. This is a wonderful option for kids on their parents insurance that feel they have no where to go in sticky situations.

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