What is public health? Wanna find out? Students in the USF Intro to Public Health class have chosen strategic areas in the Tampa Bay community that they feel represent public health in action. This blog is dedicated to explaining, understanding, and discussing what their interpretations of exactly what the heck is.... public health?!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Preventing Unintentional Injuries One Fire Hydrant at a Time.

We chose Wal-Mart for our location because Wal-Mart is an extremely popular place. It is open 24 hours a day and they have customers of all shapes and sizes. We decided to place our public health sticker on a fire hydrant because it is a huge public issue especially at a major supermarket; the fire hydrants are there to prevent unintentional injuries. Fire hydrants are there to assist fire fighters if the fire is too big to control. In some cases, the water from the fire truck will run out and that is when they turn to the fire hydrant. We also noticed that there was construction going on outside the Wal-Mart and the fire hydrant is also important for them in case they were do make a mistake and start a fire. Fires happen all the time and usually by careless mistakes. It is important for the public to feel safe when they enter stores and it is important for the stores to be prepared in case of a fire. We noticed the location of the fire hydrant is right in front of the store which provides easy access to the water and visibility when the fire department shows up. The area around the fire hydrant is also clear. This includes no bushes or shrubs surrounding the fire hydrant and it is also illegal for anyone to park in front of one. We never realized how much work and consideration goes into preventing unintentional injuries or death; therefore, this assignment was a success!

Kristy Lovell

Kristin Bailey

Desiree Mones

Tiara Hepburn

Samantha Wilson

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